----- 1 october 09-----
HaPpY BiRtHdAy BaBaH!!!! :)
After that off to tua's. Ada open house~~
c abg (anak tua~cuzn kuhh)
Rawi~(adi bungsu c abg~cuzn kuhhh)
*lighting the candles*
Another surprise cake for babah~ too bad that babah didnt get to eat the cake. sempat blow the candles sha because babah is in pain*tooot2* so we'r in a flash rush to the hospital ripas. dot2 skip dat and diz . thank god my dad is fine ;)
*i found this out side near the entrance*Sapa punya kasut ne? WANTED haha
selipar adiku
Rainy night
-----4 october 09-----
HaPpY BiRtHdAy EwAn!!!*Lil brother*
lakas2 tah basar wan!!!
-----the end-----
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